"आत्मा का अनुभव होता है इसलिए आत्मा का स्वरुप समझो "
- जैन साध्वी युगल निधि - कृपा श्री
News & Events
“सुख दुख के बोल पुस्तक पर प्रतियोगिता”
Result for the 19th All India Open Book Contest ‘Sukh Dukh ke Bol’ is now out. Please click here to go to the results.
Sadhvi Yugal Nidhi Kripa shreeji’s Chaturmas in 2023 is at Ashok Vihar Sthanak, New Delhi, from 2nd July to 27th November 2023.
Sadhviyugal Nidhi Kripa Shreeji has been generous to make available their star writings through e -book.
Maitri charitable Foundation takes pleasure sharing the e books for all