"मेरा संबंध मुझसे ही है इसलिए अपने से अपनापन करो "
- जैन साध्वी युगल निधि - कृपा श्री
News & Events
“संबंधों में संबोध जगाओ” पुस्तक पर प्रतियोगिता
Result for the 20th All India Open Book Contest ‘ATMA SWAYAM PARMATMA’ is now out. Please click here to go to the results.
Sadhviyugal Nidhi kripa ms chaturmaas for 2024 is at Ghevra more New Delhi.
It is an inner delving chaturmaas.
All are requested to kindly respect & support by not disturbing them.
Sadhviyugal Nidhi Kripa Shreeji has been generous to make available their star writings through e -book.
Maitri charitable Foundation takes pleasure sharing the e books for all